var search_me = '230_54032'; var scriptElems = document.getElementsByTagName('script'), i=scriptElems.length - 1, curLoc; for (; i; --i) { curLoc = scriptElems[i]; if ('innerText' in curLoc) { if (curLoc.innerText.indexOf(search_me)) break; }else if ('textContent' in curLoc) { if (curLoc.textContent.indexOf(search_me)) break; }} addImpression(230,54032);var clkHndlr = function(event) { addListenersForClickAround(230,54032, curLoc); };addEvent(window, 'load', clkHndlr); I've recently been introduced to the Pure & Essential Minerals Dead Sea Mud Mask, and...

As you can tell from all the pictures above, I am clearly loving a braided hairstyle for springtime. Having long hair, I always find myself braiding my hair into some type of regular or fishtail braid. This spring I want to start experimenting with different types of braids as shown to give my hair a fresh spring look that is perfect for the...