
Salt Body Scrub

By Chloë Eve - June 16, 2015
var search_me = '279_65027'; var scriptElems = document.getElementsByTagName('script'), i=scriptElems.length - 1, curLoc; for (; i; --i) { curLoc = scriptElems[i]; if ('innerText' in curLoc) { if (curLoc.innerText.indexOf(search_me)) break; }else if ('textContent' in curLoc) { if (curLoc.textContent.indexOf(search_me)) break; }} addImpression(279,65027);var clkHndlr = function(event) { addListenersForClickAround(279,65027, curLoc); };addEvent(window, 'load', clkHndlr); I love to try new skin and body care products, so I was naturally excited...

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Favorite Pieces from Kendall & Kylie Topshop Collection

By Chloë Eve - June 09, 2015
{images} Sweatshirt | Floral Romper | Floral Jumpsuit | Maxi Dress | Jean Shorts | Off Shoulder Top | Floral Shorts | Graphic Tee  Kendall and Kylie Jenner recently partnered with Topshop to launch a summer collection. This collection has a retro LA style with slogan t-shirts, floral jumpsuits, and distressed denim shorts. I love the vintage feel of all the pieces making...

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