
Pantene Beautiful Lengths

By Chloë Eve - February 26, 2012

Last weekend, I decided to cut my hair and donate it to Pantene Beautiful Lengths. I have always had long hair, but decided to grow it out to donate it since my hair is very thick. Beautiful Lengths is a partnership between Pantene and the American Cancer Society. They are able to donate free, real hair wigs to women with cancer. I thought this was a great opportunity to help out. When it came time to actually cutting my hair, I started to have second thoughts. But in the end, I decided to go through with it, and cut off over 12 inches to donate. After I did the first cut, a lady at the salon came up to me and said what a great thing I was doing. She told me that she had breast cancer years before, and was able to wear a real-hair wig. This definitely made cutting my hair feel rewarding. It's always hard to cut off so much hair at once, but I'm glad I made this decision.

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